Australian Technical Production Services

Site Navigation


OK this is my first real attempt at a website - so you may have to bear with me while I get The hang of it. I am not a Graphic artist but more of a Tech, so it may take a bit of tweaking to get things working nicely.
Part of the point of this Website is to do things the hard way - It is being hosted on a machine run and maintained by me (well really if the truth is to be told by my Brother).
The positive side of this is that I explore some of the ins and outs of running a web-server.
The Negatives are that if I have problems then they may not be fixed as quickly as with a professionally hosted site - note that this way does cost a bit more than getting a site professionally hosted so, for anyone wondering it is actually cheaper (and Easier) to pay $20 (or less) a month to get someone else to do all the work.
So if this becomes a regular browse to see what my latest ravings are and one day you find it down - please be patient and try again later. 

---------------SITE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION!-----------------

Look at this stage I hope to get a new article up every second week but So far I am getting one up a month....
I have added Dates to the Navigation area to the left to tell you when a page was last updated.

Currently I have a Page with some Educational notes I am writing up. These Notes cover Electronics, Computing and Audio they are free to download and use.

The Luddite covers some of my thoughts on the myths, misunderstandings and misapplicationsof modern Technology.

DIY Electronic projects With some Audio, Computer and test Electronics to build.
Circuit boards and full constructional notes for these projects are or will be made available for sale

Coming soon:
Currently Pretty well Everything .....

Website created using CoffeeCup HTML editor